
Welcome to CreepShots.com™.  A very entertaining website that shares the sexy, strange, funny would around us.  Who are we you ask?  We are a couple regular family guys who love to hang out, have a good time.   We started sharing the few pics we creeped ourselves and felt if we had fun sending pics between our friends, maybe there are more like is out there.  So CreepShots.com was born.  We created this site to document these sexy, funny, strange, gross, odd etc. pictures as well as a place for you to send in your own creepshots for public praise … or public scrutiny.

What is a ‘CreepShot’ you ask?  Easy.  Creepshots are CANDID pictures.  If a person is posing or aware that a picture is being taken, then it is no longer a creepshot.  A true creepshot captures the natural sexy, embarrassing or funny aspect of the subject matter/person without their knowledge.  Not all pics on the site are actual creepshots.  We do tend to have a weakness for beauty so you will find some posed / staged pics and well as sexy friends we have met along the way, but for the most part, they are fan-submitted creepshots.

Take a look at the world around you.  There are creeportunities everywhere: during your commute, shopping, coffee shops, office, sporting events or just even walking down the street!  How about creeping your wife?  Yes we have those too!  If you have creeped something you think is worthy, send us the pics and if approved, we will post them on the site.  As we all know the funnier, creepier or sexier the better.  If you think you got game, send your creepshots to: submit@CreepShots.com.  Please also include any caption for the pic, any story behind your creepshot, your twitter name if you want a mention or if you want to remain anonymous.  No graphic porn or people under 18 will be accepted.   If you are new to creeping and want some tips, check them out here: CreepShot Tips

Picture Removal:  If you happen to stumble across your picture on this site, you can do two things. (1) You can admire the fact that there is something about you sexy enough that somebody wanted to creep you and send it in.  If you fall under this category, then maybe leave a comment under the pic and be proud you made it!  (2) If however, you wore something sexy, tight or revealing and are shocked, ashamed, belittled or embarrassed that you were creeped and posted on here, then contact us at the email above and include the link and description of the picture.  Your request will be reviewed and if found legitimate, the picture will be removed.

Disclaimer:  Although this site rarely contains nudity, most of the content is not suitable for people under 18.  We require that all people visiting the site, commenting and submitting pictures be over 18 years of age.